CAPS Peer Educators are a group of student volunteers from all years and majors. They are here to promote UCF’s Counseling and Psychological Services to students and campus departments. Peer Educators are here to educate the campus community on mental fitness and stress reduction. CAPS Peer Educators help guide students to the available resources on campus to help them stay mentally fit. The goal is to connect with students to help reduce the stigma of seeking mental health services.
CAPS Peer Educators are available to present at events and student organization meetings. Our “Stressbuster” presentation serves to educate students on mental fitness and stress reduction. To request a presentation by our Peer Educators, complete the presentation request form here and request the “Stressbuster” presentation.
Peer Educators volunteer at CAPS signature events every semester. Peer Educators are present at PAWS events, Field of Memories, Healthy Knights Expo, Healing Arts Exhibit, National Eating Disorder Awareness week, and more! CAPS Peer Educators are a vital part of the team and bring student energy to events. You can find Peer Educators at events in their t-shirts.